Portfolio Management Tools
Resources for fund managers to optimize portfolio structuring, performance and provide value addition
Value Creation & Operational Improvements
Transformational Ownership
Clayton Dubilier Rice is an established private equity firm in the US. They are known for creating results from strong collaborations with management to spur operational performance improvements by accelerating growth strategies, injecting new talent, and boosting productivity. Here is an article on how CDR thinks about value creation from pre-investment, 100 days on and beyond until exit.
Valuation Guidelines
Fund managers may be required to undertake periodic valuations of their investments as part of an ongoing reporting process to their fund investors. The International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation (IPEV) Guidelines puts forward recommendations, intended to correspond to current best practice, on the valuation of private equity and venture capital investments.
Frameworks for Investment & Portfolio Management
Risk Management
PE Fund Risk Management Guidelines
Investors in private equity and venture capital limited partnership investment vehicles have developed various approaches for the risk measurement of their portfolio of holdings. This is focused on helping LPs understand the risk of a PE fund, but can also help a GP understand the LP perspective.
Tools for Portfolio Companies
Model Documents & Forms for Small Businesses
From vendor contracts to customer forms, NDAs to Payment terms, a repository of various forms and agreements for small businesses.
Must-Have Tools for Small Businesses
Cloud based tools to help improve productivity at a small business and keep costs down