Gender And Diversity Resources
In this section you will access:
Gender and Diversity Resources for Fund Managers
Women and minorities are heavily underrepresented in private equity and venture capital. However, private equity has the opportunity and the ability to improve diversity, equity and inclusion within its sector and in global business. Research on diversity across various industries has shown companies with greater diversity in leadership perform better than the industry average.
IFC believes that closing the gender and diversity gap in private equity and venture capital can be achieved through targeted interventions at the Fund and portfolio company levels, and given that in industry is still relatively nascent in emerging markets, action taken now has potential impact for long term shift in the industry.
Supporting Research
GenderSmart JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) investing is about incorporating a gender lens alongside racial and ethnic justice in investment decision-making.
This approach is in large part about who is doing the investing and who receives investment, and how those decisions are made. Gender-Smart JEDI investment extends beyond gender, racial and ethnic diversity at the ownership level to encompass governance, leadership, employment, value chains, and products, services, and customer lenses
GenderSmart JEDI